Anthony Stewart Dias

Events, Reflections, Ideas, Dreams & Aspirations

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Camping at WoodLeaf

This weekend I went to YoungLife's WoodLeaf camp as a leader with Capernaum Ministries. Capernaum is a branch of YoungLife that works with handicapped kids and this was my first Camp experience with them.

My friend Joanne recruited Giggles and myself, along with about 10 other leaders to go with her kids who live in the Walnut Creek area. The other guy leaders in my cabin were Chris, Ray, David, Shawn (Sean?) and Kevin (Somebody please tell me if I got the names wrong).

I had three kids assigned to me -Todd, Ed, and Mark. We called ourselves the 'Savages'. I don't know why but it just sounded cool.

Todd is autistic and has the ability to remember anybody's name and birthday. Ed and Mark live in a group home and are pretty much high-functioning kids. It was cool just hanging out with these three guys. I felt that they bonded with me rather quickly and I definitely enjoyed getting to know them.

There was a lot of snow at WoodLeaf. It was probably left over from the storm we had a few weeks ago. The kids seemed to have a great time in it doing the usual -throwing snowballs, eating yellow snow (j/k).

I had lots of fun. They had awesome skits and games and lots of really cool people. I only wish I hadn't forgotten my luggage at the YoungLife Office. That prevented me from joining in on the messy activities. I felt so dumb because I had already forgotten my sleeping bag at home which Giggle so kindly picked up for me.

I also wish I hadn't yelled and screamed so much on Friday Night because on Saturday Night, I performed the most hoarse version of my Chihuahua Song that I have ever sung. My voice was definitely shot.

Although the weekend was kinda short, it was still cool. I came back exhausted.

David (Martinez), if you read this guess what? You missed out on all the really good looking lady leaders, ha ha ha... You know the saying, "Go to YoungLife, find a Wife." ;)

Oh yeah, I saw my old-school Jr. High club leader Alberto Cuellar. He used to work for CityTeam back then and I pretty much remember him as being a realy cool dude who liked to drive his little Suzuki as hard as he could around corners to see if it would tip over. Nowadays, he is a Regional Director for YoungLife but I'm sure he's as cool as ever.

Well, WoodLeaf has lots more stuff going on in the summer time but I don't know if I'll be able to go since I'll probably be at Camp MayMac again. WoodLeaf is cool but I have a special love for MayMac.


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