Anthony Stewart Dias

Events, Reflections, Ideas, Dreams & Aspirations

Thursday, December 16, 2004


My mother is in the Hospital over there in Morocco and is supposed to get surgery for Gallstones. This comes as somewhat of a relief since the original diagnosis implied severe liver damage or even cancer. It's kinda weird, but this is the first time that something major like this has happened in my adult life.

When I was younger, I remember my dad had a hernia. Also, my mother went through a mis-carriage before Jeremiah was born. Those events left a memory of sadness, but this time I wasn't realy sad, I felt afraid. I feel that losing a parent would be devastating and even then, I know I can't imagine what it would be like -especially at this age.

My mom is still young and beautiful, my dad has yet to accomplish many amazing things. You know, I always imagine visiting them in Mexico someday, I will go with my future wife and children to the home I grew up in. By then, my dad has 'retired' and my mom is sewing her latest dress, making clothes for her grandkids. That would be cool.

Currently, three of my four grandparents are living. I was blessed to have had both sets of grandparents around as I grew up and I want my kids to have that experience too.

Mom and Dad, take care of yourselves, me and my selfishness want you around for a long, long time.


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